2024 SCreen Time Challenge
April 22-29
Let's Reduce Our ScreenTime By 100,000 Minutes
The Purpose
To reduce our time in front of our phones and have fun doing so. The average teenager spends 44.5 hours per week on their phone.
The average adult spends 24.1 hours per week on their phone.
Source: Smartphone Addiction Facts & Phone Usage Statistics (2019)
The Goal
For WHS students and staff to decrease our screen time by 100,000 minutes in one week.
The Challenge
On Monday, April 22 during Reading Period, all WHS students and staff will record their cell phone daily average screen time with their 3rd period teacher. After 1 week, on April 29, you will re-record your average screen time minutes. with your 3rd period teacher. We will award the winning 3rd period classroom with a grand prize and individual champions for each grade level. We will award the classroom and individuals with the highest percentage of screen time minutes reduced from April 22-29.
The Process
All students and staff are invited to participate in this challenge. Members of our Student Council and WHS staff will issue a daily challenge via morning announcements. This challenge will encourage you to be active and creative without using your phone. Each day will involve daily trivia focusing on technology addiction and tips to improve your time management. Scheels, Chick-Fil-A, & Crumbl Cookies will also sponsor prizes for the daily trivia winners.
The Payoff
Reduction with screen time leads to better overall physical, mental, and emotional health. You win this challenge simply by gaining awareness of technology addiction and making an effort to adjust your daily routine. We will reward the 3rd Period class with the highest percentage of minutes reduced with free Chick-Fil-A. We will also award each grade with an individual winner for the student with the highest percentage of minutes reduced. 5 winners (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior & Staff) will earn a $50 Scheels Giftcard, FREE Chick Fil A for a month, and a "Sycamore Swag" t-shirt! The losing school's principal will need to wear the opposing school's colors for the day!
The Thanks
WHS Student Council
WHS Counseling
Information For Teachers
For Reading Period on Thursday, April 22:
1. Access Shared Google Drive - WHS ScreenTime Challenge
2. Click on the folder of your department
3. Find the Google Sheet by teacher last name (non-teaching staff can click on department)
4. Enter students weekly average screen time in total minutes under April 20 column. (Example: 3 Hours 23 Minutes (per day) = Enter 203 minutes)
5. Make sure you verify the screen time minutes on the students phone.
6. Add a row for a new student if they are not on your roster.
7. Complete process on April 29.
8. Staff can record their own screen time in a department google sheet.
9. Students who do not have a 3rd period class in-building can enter the contest with Angela in Counseling. Must do so by 4pm on Monday, April 22.
Other Contest Details
1. Your participation is optional, however we encourage you to do your part in reducing your screen time.
2. If you do not have a phone but wish to participate, you can still do the Scheels Scavenger Hunt and participate in daily trivia.
3. When entering your daily average per week screen time average to your teacher, please report in the total minutes. For example, if your daily average per week is 4 hours and 35 minutes per day, you would report 275 minutes. Remember do not record your minutes for today, but what is your average daily minutes for the week.
4. Students that are at CTE, AP Study Hall or out of the building during 3rd period can still enter the contest. Please stop in the Counseling to record your screen time by Friday, April 21.
5. Each day, members of StuCo will be issuing a daily challenge and that will offer several tips and ideas on how to reduce screen time.
6. StuCo will have a table set up during the lunches on Friday and Monday for students to sign a pledge card and win more prizes.
The Purpose
To reduce our time in front of our phones and have fun doing so. The average teenager spends 44.5 hours per week on their phone.
The average adult spends 24.1 hours per week on their phone.
Source: Smartphone Addiction Facts & Phone Usage Statistics (2019)
The Goal
For WHS students and staff to decrease our screen time by 100,000 minutes in one week.
The Challenge
On Monday, April 22 during Reading Period, all WHS students and staff will record their cell phone daily average screen time with their 3rd period teacher. After 1 week, on April 29, you will re-record your average screen time minutes. with your 3rd period teacher. We will award the winning 3rd period classroom with a grand prize and individual champions for each grade level. We will award the classroom and individuals with the highest percentage of screen time minutes reduced from April 22-29.
The Process
All students and staff are invited to participate in this challenge. Members of our Student Council and WHS staff will issue a daily challenge via morning announcements. This challenge will encourage you to be active and creative without using your phone. Each day will involve daily trivia focusing on technology addiction and tips to improve your time management. Scheels, Chick-Fil-A, & Crumbl Cookies will also sponsor prizes for the daily trivia winners.
The Payoff
Reduction with screen time leads to better overall physical, mental, and emotional health. You win this challenge simply by gaining awareness of technology addiction and making an effort to adjust your daily routine. We will reward the 3rd Period class with the highest percentage of minutes reduced with free Chick-Fil-A. We will also award each grade with an individual winner for the student with the highest percentage of minutes reduced. 5 winners (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior & Staff) will earn a $50 Scheels Giftcard, FREE Chick Fil A for a month, and a "Sycamore Swag" t-shirt! The losing school's principal will need to wear the opposing school's colors for the day!
The Thanks
WHS Student Council
WHS Counseling
Information For Teachers
For Reading Period on Thursday, April 22:
1. Access Shared Google Drive - WHS ScreenTime Challenge
2. Click on the folder of your department
3. Find the Google Sheet by teacher last name (non-teaching staff can click on department)
4. Enter students weekly average screen time in total minutes under April 20 column. (Example: 3 Hours 23 Minutes (per day) = Enter 203 minutes)
5. Make sure you verify the screen time minutes on the students phone.
6. Add a row for a new student if they are not on your roster.
7. Complete process on April 29.
8. Staff can record their own screen time in a department google sheet.
9. Students who do not have a 3rd period class in-building can enter the contest with Angela in Counseling. Must do so by 4pm on Monday, April 22.
Other Contest Details
1. Your participation is optional, however we encourage you to do your part in reducing your screen time.
2. If you do not have a phone but wish to participate, you can still do the Scheels Scavenger Hunt and participate in daily trivia.
3. When entering your daily average per week screen time average to your teacher, please report in the total minutes. For example, if your daily average per week is 4 hours and 35 minutes per day, you would report 275 minutes. Remember do not record your minutes for today, but what is your average daily minutes for the week.
4. Students that are at CTE, AP Study Hall or out of the building during 3rd period can still enter the contest. Please stop in the Counseling to record your screen time by Friday, April 21.
5. Each day, members of StuCo will be issuing a daily challenge and that will offer several tips and ideas on how to reduce screen time.
6. StuCo will have a table set up during the lunches on Friday and Monday for students to sign a pledge card and win more prizes.

Congratulations to our 2023 Grand Champions:
(left to right)
12th Grade - Walter Hansen
11th Grade - Prashika Gurung
10th Grade - Gage Lukes
9th Grade - Alejandro Cortes
Staff WInner - Mr. Tom Freese
Winning Staff Department:
Fine Arts
Winning 3rd Period Class:
(left to right)
12th Grade - Walter Hansen
11th Grade - Prashika Gurung
10th Grade - Gage Lukes
9th Grade - Alejandro Cortes
Staff WInner - Mr. Tom Freese
Winning Staff Department:
Fine Arts
Winning 3rd Period Class:

Congratulations to our winning class:
Junior ROTC
-67.14% Reduced
Junior ROTC
-67.14% Reduced